BLUR Maps Platform Image Archive Instructions (Google)
Archiving map images is pretty straight forward when using BLUR tools. For Google Maps street view, you will use the Google Pano Tool which is available within the BLUR Worker Dashboard as shown below:

First make sure that you have accepted the job and that the job is in the assigned state and the Drag & Drop file uploader is showing. Then to use the Pano Tool simply insert the Google Maps URL you looked up using the "Street Address" data from the job data section into the input field and click submit. The tool will download all the required map images

In the event that there is an error during the upload process of a particular file, you can simply re-upload that single file which will have been downloaded to wherever you have your browser download area set to. In the case above, the browser just needed to be reloaded and then the single file was dropped into the Drag & Drop area.