Gotta love the ass holes

automatically opening new chrome tabs with ads, which is pretty terrible practice....
Guess what... I'm opening tabs IN THE BACKGROUND (after considering MykHailo's comment) because stingy mother fuckers like you find it so difficult to come up off of a dime... but only when it comes to shit that really matters... or rather I stand corrected, when it comes to people that it really affects (to whom it "REALLY MATTERS").
This MFer, guaranteed, has not paid a dime (nor contributed back to the project in any solitary fashion), and yet they found the time to complain and drag down the rating of an open-source project which was build and is maintained by someone of humble status in this world. Meanwhile, the behemoths that be are free to rape this ass hole in his ass hole on a daily basis without complaint. SHFH!!!
Get fucked, and good riddance.

Shit head. And for anyone reading that disagrees... fuck you too, uninstall, and be on your way. Dive down the fucking shoot... you mug.
It's actually quite serendipitous that I should take a gander at the NiM Web Store page since I literally just got done with a new project which to the aforementioned ass holes pleasure, its main purpose is to leverage that "terrible practice"... the one that is status quo for everyone else. Because despite the thousands of OTHER (probably more important) users, many (and trust me I understand) have not found it within their whatever to pony up the price of admission when it comes to NiM. That said, I still feed and need to eat. I still put my time, my thoughts, and my heart into NiM.
Anyway, fuck you again @dshwegler, hope you choke on your dinner tonight.