Dear Developers and Organizations,

Node --inspector Manager (NIM) remains open-source but has transitioned from FLOSS to a paid model. The new pricing is $5 per month for individual users and $10 per month for business/enterprise users. In the spirit of supporting Indi Devs, and open-source sustainability, an annual pricing option has been introduced, allowing you to choose your own price starting from $1 (yes, just a buck a year!). And still the case for students, teachers, open-source maintainers, or others who cannot afford to pay, please reach out to receive a free license.

Please Note: If you are an employee of a major corporation, as many NIM users are, please reach out to your procurement department and/or management to assist in getting NIM licensed for your team or company. Your support helps ensure that NIM continues to improve and provide valuable features for developers like you. Thank you for your help!

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Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Best regards,
[email protected]