This Joint on Amazon Prime Is Giving Tyler Perry a Run for His Money

This Joint on Amazon Prime Is Giving Tyler Perry a Run for His Money
Photo by Manny Moreno / Unsplash

Thanks to social media (can't recall at the moment which exactly... TikTok probably) I'm here watching this movie Becky (not THAT Becky... but this one) on Amazon Prime. B rated is an understatement, because this movie is certainly that... maybe C rated... definitely high school film class level... no matter, sometimes, it's not about the technique or finish but rather about the story. In fact, I think in the end it's always about the story so much so that a good enough one can either sink or in this case save an endeavor to entertain the masses (or at least me). Oh, and both them Becky's are crazy a55 bee-yacht-chez... just so you know, and that other one is a good watch too! Anyway, this was a public service announcement, holler at me if you got some good laughs from that Becky like I did!

Best photo of "Becky" throughout the whole movie is right here.

Becky look ratchet AF through this whole flick man... like DAMN, get rid of those fake ass lashes and idk start taking some multivitamins or lay off the bottle or both... you look like trash. That said... short and fat looking like Trey Songz in this cover picture has his work cut out for him cause his wife is giving me baby momma from hell (aren't they all) vibes and if I haven't learned a lesson yet in all my years... I think I'd rather take the crazy bish in the middle than the crazy bish on the right. This movie had me cringing left right and center continuously throughout because I couldn't stop making parallels to my own life... and got damn I am thankful for the clarity I now have vs the BS (you fill in the color) tinted glasses I had on many (MANY... cause I'm old AF) moons ago as far as relationships go. I'm like Neo up in this... dodged hella bullets even with the BS I've been subjected to by Jezebel (that's plural, read it again, it is... then again, maybe it's not... maybe I've only encountered one true Jezebel... yes I think that might be true, anyway I digress).

Watching this movie had me missing hanging out with my sister and having movie night together... haven't done that for ages... literally years and years, like pre-pandemic... yeah. And we used to be so tight. But like I said, watching this alone had me missing the banter that we would share on many occasions over the years and in many different movie venues. The dollar movies in Arizona way back in the 90's, to watching true films in the Bijou Theater at art school in Southern California that we both went to, yet at different years, all the way to streaming Netflix "less than 10" years ago. Yep, I missed my sister tonight! Oh, she's not dead or anything, it's just not the same. You know, she's married and has her life, and I'm not and have mine, and time moves on, we're both here on this rock today... who knows what can be said tomorrow if/when I wake up... but again, I digress.

The point of this whole rant is... watch Becky. Watch it on Amazon Prime, download it from some "shady" torrent site and stream it from your Plex server at home, or idk buy it from some dude on the corner selling burned bootlegged DVDs... is that still a thing?! However you do it, do it... or just do it. Someone somewhere made a killing from those exact words so maybe it will work for you. It certainly did for me, at least tonight! I bid you peace.

P.S. The Unsplash photo I just picked for this post had my gray matter thinking about this funny moment by this even funnier man Patrice O'Neal (RIP)! rotflmao!!!